The EFCCC Newsletter
Children... Education ... Opportunity ...Community
March 25, 2024 Publication
Pauline Christian (Author) President of Educational Foundation For Children's Care Canada (EFCCC)
OUr YOUth, OUr LEGacy
OUr LEADers, OUr VISIONaries, OUr FAMILies, OUr EDUcators!!! OUr PIONeers! OUr Donors! Our INVESTors! OUr CHILDren! OUr CHILDren! OUr COLLABORATors! OUr FUTure
Happy International Women's Months!
ConnectingTop Talent with Work Placement Opportunities
Register Now and Share with other Youth in our Community! Free!
Cultivate the best version of yourself for free
Plus job opportunities await you!
A4S builds on the Diversity Institute's ADaPT program model by focusing on work-integrated learning opportunities at small and medium-sized enterprises while training participants in critical in-demand essential skills such as personal branding, communications, social media, career strategies and resume-building. To learn more, you can check out the following link: A4S program page.
Key Messages
Black Youth Looking for Training & Work Opportunities:
- The Advanced Digital and Professional Training Program (ADaPT) for Black Youth is a dynamic and transformative initiative dedicated to fostering the growth and success of Black youth.
- Through tailored mentorship, skill-building workshops, networking events and community engagement, the program empowers young individuals to thrive in their personal and professional journeys.
- This program stands as a beacon of opportunity, offering guidance, support and a platform for aspiring leaders to develop their talents, build meaningful connections and break barriers in pursuit of their goals.
- ADaPT for Black Youth aims to help Black youth learn the skills they need to excel in today’s digital economy while providing access to mentors to guide them in securing job opportunities.
- The program is a transformative initiative that provides Black youth with the necessary skills and opportunities to thrive in the modern workforce. Talented individuals receive comprehensive digital training, mentorship and support through the program, preparing them to make meaningful contributions to various industries.
Employers Looking for Trained & Skilled Talent:
- The ADaPT for Black Youth program connects our digitally trained young Black talent with businesses looking to grow their team. Employers who participate gain the opportunity to access subsidies in the process.
- ADaPT for Black Youth offers tools and support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to create more diverse and inclusive work environments.
Dear ecosystem partners and friends,
I hope this email finds you well. As part of the Diversity Institute’s work through the 50 – 30 Challenge, which helps signatories to the 50 – 30 Challenge and other organizations achieve gender parity and increased diversity on their boards and/or senior management teams, we want to hear your feedback about your organization’s experience with the project.
We would greatly appreciate you taking the time to let us know about your experience as this will help us improve our work. This survey is anonymous and should take approximately 3 minutes to complete. The deadline for the survey has been extended to March 28, 2024.
If you have any questions, please let me know and I’ll be happy to discuss.
Many thanks and warm regards,
- The Diversity Institute |
Chers partenaires, amis de l’écosystème,
J’espère que vous vous portez bien. Dans le cadre du travail du Diversity Institute pour le Défi 50-30, lequel aide les signataires du Défi 50-30 et d’autres organisations à atteindre la parité hommes-femmes et à accroître la diversité au sein de leurs conseils d’administration et de leurs équipes de haute direction, nous voulons avoir votre avis sur l’expérience de votre organisation dans ce projet.
Nous vous serions grandement reconnaissants si vous preniez le temps de nous faire part de votre expérience, cela nous aidera à améliorer notre travail. Ce sondage est anonyme et cela devrait vous prendre environ trois minutes pour y répondre. La date limite pour répondre au sondage est le 28 mars 2024.
Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à m’en faire part et je me ferai un plaisir d’y répondre.
Merci beaucoup et mes salutations les meilleures,
- Le Diversity Institute |
More to come! Thanks for all your support!